Intervju: Awan Bisma – fotograf iz Indonezije



Interview with Awan Bisma: Photography is my hobby


edited and directed by: Denis Kožljan

Intervju sa umjetnikom Awanom Bismom rađen je na engleskom jeziku i prenosimo ga u originalu. 


To begin with, introduce yourself to the readers 

My name is Awan Bisma ( I made Ariawan ) live in Denpasar Bali.& date of Birth 12 July 1961. Photography is my Hobby not a professional one. I live in City of Denpasar in the island of Bali. People called the island of God. My country is Indonesia.

You live in a distant, exotic land.


How much is this your advantage when we talk about photography?

I live in City of Denpasar in the island of Bali. People called the island of God. My country is Indonesia talking about advantage. Yes I got a lot. If talking from culture and promotion about our island and culture too. Why? Because I work for a tourism industry, need to make the visual to promote. That is by photography motives.


Tell us what all the motives were recorded by the eye of the camera

Yes exactly about Landscape. Tradition, culture even all that we have on our culture of island.


Is there pure photography in your work or maybe digital photography and do you think that digital photography is an advantage in this type of art?

Pure photography? Do you mean photography of analog? I love It. Due now of technology. I love to use a digital due to more practice and flexible and easy to get a nice color and great picture. Color photography – Yes agreed with you.


I am particularly fascinated by color photographs, because I would say that those turquoise colors clearly evoke the beauty and exoticism of your distant country.

Tell us if it’s really like raw photos and fluid colors on them or how much photoshop is there? Is black and white technique or monochrome photography in the center of your interest, and if so, what are the usual motifs?

Do you think that for a good photo, i.e. a “good catch” the brand of the camera is important or something else entirely?

Yes. The original and I have given a little touch on editing on photoshop to make a picture become art of photography, cause I love of the art. Yes, the mono or black and white picture also very much interested, depend on the object that I shot. The motive like the old culture or village or to much light on color picture, so I can make more soft on Black white color or If we have a memorable picture. I love make it in monochrome that can make it a lovely story on that picture. For my self yes. Brand of camera and good lens is the first to make it a great quality of photography.


I saw along with some of your photos and text, that is, some appropriate thoughts related to certain motives. What kind of symbolism is this and do you personally think that each photo actually represents some philosophical thought?

Yes my friend. A photo for me represents a short story that makes someone understanding for what the message is. Personally, yes my friend… such as a picture of candi (temple) represents about legacy or great architecture of human being. Of course it has a great philosophy on it.


At the end of this interview, can you tell us if anyone in your family is still involved in photography and if you consider it an advantage, considering that the photograph itself remains a permanent mark of something

My son is professional wedding photography. He can makes a lot of experience and the advantages such as many people asking him for his service and he can travelling to other countries on his client request. The advantages he got the money and traveling free and the happy one his name as a great brand at the end. So he has also invited couple years ago to the president palace and some of our country artist asking for his service. All has a great advantages if someone has a professional of photo art.


Awan, can you give us a link or information where your beautiful photographic works can be found and will you continue to capture the beautiful details, customs and people of your exotic faraway land?

Almost all of my portfolio photography you may check on (website)

On my fb wall there are a lot of photographs too:


Thank you for sent Interwiw and good luck in your further life and work!

Thank you, Denis, for your interest and for the effort to make this interview for the benefit of my photos. Very kind of you.


 Pula, mart, 2023.

 Denis Kožljan, dipl. educ.





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